Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How to become a "Pack Master"!

My sister has an upcoming trip planned to the beach. It's the first big trip she's taking with her kids, so she's feeling a little overwhelmed. I told her that some have called me "The Pack Master" (I totally made that name up, however people have made comments over the years about how I seem to be packed/prepared for anything) so I offered to help her out. I thought while I'm at it, maybe I could post a checklist that could possibly be useful for others as well. Taking trips, big and small, over the years with four or more children has definitely taught me a few things ;)

The car/plane ride
* If your children are in the early stages of potty training I would encourage either putting pull ups on them or having a single bag packed with extra clothes, wipes, and pull ups in it that you can grab quickly if you have to make a quick stop somewhere to use the bathroom. You don't want to have to dig through luggage if you have an accident!
* pack several snacks & drinks, in an easy to get to bag/container 
* pack some hand & face wipes, sanitizer, paper towels or tissues (these can double for toilet paper if you get in a bind)
* have a bag on hand for trash as well (you can use a cereal storage container as a trash can in the car. Place a plastic bag inside as a liner)
* pack several things to keep the kids busy on the trip there & back... Things like electronics (DVD player, tablet, handheld games), headphones, crayons & coloring books or paper, seek & finds/mazes, stickers (w/an appropriate item to put them on, or they will wind up on the windows), light up toys (kids love even small flashlights in the dark), books, or Legos in a container. I think when you keep separate items for the car only it keeps them excited about access to these things on the trip. If you let them take these things into the hotel to play with they may be bored with them by the time you head home.

The beach
(I pack the following in separate "grab & go" bags & keep them handy year round for trips to the pool, water parks, etc) I prefer a bag with pockets on the outside like Initials Inc's "Get a big grip" bag, it has one handle you can throw over a shoulder or forearm, a huge deep opening, & lots of outside pockets!
* beach towels for everyone. I like to roll them up & put them in the bag last/on top, so they can be easily pulled out without disturbing anything else in the bag
* sunscreen (several types are handy especially if your kids vary in age, activity level, & depending on the activity) I like Honest brand spray & stick sunscreens 
* baby powder to help remove sand. I like Honest brand powder
* flip flops. I keep some cheap pairs in one of my outside pockets. If the kids are wearing water shoes or run out barefoot (you very well may hear "ouch!! It's hot!") these are nice to have handy to switch before leaving the sand. You can rinse them off a lot easier.
*sunglasses and/or sun hats. Trust me, you & your little ones will be crying for these if they don't have any!
*small first aid kit: this you can make your self by using a ziplock bag & throw in some sanitizing wipes, band aids, Neosporin, some Tylenol, lip gloss with SPF (I always need this on hand), hair bands, & anything else you may need.
*baby wipes come in handy A LOT! Sand on hands, face, popscicles, ready to eat & need clean hands, etc.
*ziplock bag for car keys, room key, camera, money, phones, etc.. This keeps sand out, just incase!
*sand toys in a separate bag! The kids can carry this one & I usually leave it out on the balcony/deck of where we are staying. Since you can get some cool shovels & basics at the dollar tree I don't feel bad leaving them behind before heading home. Pass them onto another family checking in :)
* an umbrella.. Depending on your kids ages & how long you plan on being on the beach, I recommend an umbrella for them to play under. I found one that came in a plastic cover with a shoulder strap, which made it easy to carry.
* a blanket (one with a smooth side, so sand doesn't stick is a bonus) to keep your things on. I found one that conveniently rolls up with handles.
* my kids also love boogie boards & played on them for hours! They are perfect size & lots of fun!

For the pool
I pack about the same as for the beach, but I include goggles, arm floats, nose plugs, and swap out sand toys for pool toys!

I've found so many times that I pack way too much clothing! Especially when we wind up shopping on our vacation! I say don't over think it... Grab a few of your favorite outfits, basics, something dressy if you plan to have a nice dinner or something (you really don't need 3 options, I promise!) & the good thing is flip flops go with anything! Also if for some rare chance you forgot something, I'm sure there's a Target or Walmart close by :)

I hope these suggestions help! I'm actually preparing for a camping trip with my kiddos for the first time & I'm sure I'll be looking for blogs with advice on what to pack! I'll be posting an update later!

Have fun!

Friday, February 27, 2015

God is good... All the time!

Every other week I drive my oldest two children to school. It's about a 35-40 minute drive each way. Most mornings I listen to sermons as I drive them and it amazes me at how the Lord speaks to me (and plants seeds with my kids) through the topics. The second program (sermons) I always listen to are from the church I attend every Sunday and even in hearing sermons that I've heard before, I find myself taking something new away from it the second time around!
My take away this morning is just amazement! I'm in awe! My heart is filled with joy as I reflect on my reality at the moment:
*My kids never complain about listening to sermons! They could easily whine and cry "please turn this off," as they do often with music (my 2 youngest who are autistic are very sensitive, & sometimes just opinionated, to what they do & don't like) so I praise God that I can hear his word without distraction!
*I've not felt well the past couple of days and where in the past I've felt helpless and alone in times like this, God has showered me with amazing, wonderful, kind, helpful, and loving friends! I'm reminded in these scary times of uncertainty that HE is so faithful! He's placed more people in my life over the past few months than I can count on my fingers! Literally!!
*My house is a mess, my car is becoming unreliable, there's things I need to catch up on, etc. But I smile and rest in the palm of his hands because HE provides! Whom shall I fear?!? Seriously, none of that even matters anymore and I pray for forgiveness in those times when I allow myself to get wrapped up in things of this world! Praise God, this is not my home!!

I could go on and on, but one thing remains... God is so good! All the time! 

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 NIV)

What more do I need to know then that? And when I reflect on all that he has done for me, it's proven! Time and time again, it's proven! His love never fails! Thank you Lord!!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Is this a test?

The past few days have been pretty draining... Actually this whole week has had several ups & downs & my faith has surely been tested. I've had friends suffer losses, I've had quite a bit of crazy, random car trouble, the weather has been ridiculous, we've been stuck at times, and then tonight I was faced with a pretty challenging situation. I'm constantly reminded of 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. In this world we will have troubles, but this passage gives me comfort:

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV)

I can get easily wrapped up into feeling sorry for myself, overwhelmed, & anxious... It's hard at times, it really is.. Sometimes hearing someone say "all you can do is pray" can feel like the last thing you need at the time, but it couldn't be more true! I know what relying on myself feels like.. I'm exhausted, I don't know what is best, I have to just trust God and want his will to be done. Not my will, but his.. Because no matter what that will look like, I know that he will always be there! He will never leave me! He is my truth & while the future is uncertain, as long as I hold onto his promises, he's got this.. He's got me! In the palm of his hand!! Thank you Lord! Praise your holy name!!🙏💗🙌

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Don't talk about it, BE about it!

 Not sure where that phrase originated... I stopped to "google it," but then I realized this would cause me to get sidetracked. I'd either wind up totally off topic, or not come back to finish this post. Anyway... This phrase was on repeat in my head today. I'd been reading and finally completed the book, AHA by Kyle Idelman. It talks about the process of having an Awakening, being brutally Honest with yourself, and doing something about it (immediate Action.) For weeks, or maybe even months now, I've been really struggling with wanting to recognize what things I need to change. I feel silly even writing this. In no way have I felt like I have things all together or figured out; please don't misunderstand me. I've just genuinely been trying so hard to work on myself, seek God, and find answers. It's become an obsession at times. I will journal, ramble to friends, Google questions, listen to sermons, search the Bible, search the Bible Apps, ask my therapist, and the list goes on. 
By no means do I think I found my BIG answer today, but I do feel like I realized that I need to tune in to my reality more. Open my eyes to what's around me, what's really going on in my life, and see things for what they are. I can tell you what kind of person I want to be, what legacy I want to leave, and all of the things I aspire to accomplish... But that's where it stops.. And that's when it hit me.. When am I going to stop talking about it and just do it?! What would that look like? Immediately I knew that'd mean putting down my phone, removing all distractions, and facing my here and now. I want my story to be like that of the prodigal son.. I want it to be said "so she got up..."
My brutal honesty today was that I don't like to face my reality sometimes because it's hard work. It's easier to be talking about my goals, hopes, or dreams; even while I maintain things by doing the bare minimum. What's hard is just doing something about it. I will never have it all figured out, but God does! I need to trust him with the unknown and feel confident in His strength, His plans, His grace, His love. I don't want to waste any more time by just talking about it. So here I go...

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


A couple of months ago I had someone pray for me, asking God to give me discernment. Although I knew I had heard the word, throughout my day, I continued to question if I really knew what the word meant. When I googled the word discernment this came up:
Perception in the absence of judgement with a view to obtaining spiritual direction and understanding.
"Without providing for a time of healing and discernment, there will be no hope of living through this present moment without a shattering of our common life."

Wow!! That was exactly what I needed! I have realized that one of my biggest struggles is in having confidence & realizing that I don't need to worry about pleasing others; being accepted by this world. I constantly question if I'm making the right decisions because I don't want to be "judgemental" or seem arrogant. But I know those feelings were from the Devil!! It was through a breakthrough I had one day, that I felt God lead me to write the following words. I have read them numerous times infront of a mirror and I post them now in hopes that they may help someone else as well. Try reading this out loud, look at yourself in a mirror, and see what God reveals to you. I've paused at different lines almost every time as more truth is revealed to me. 

Can you accept that I am enough? Can you accept that I am all you have? All that you can rely on. Can you accept that it has to be me? That you trust with all of your heart? Because you can't have both, your way & my way. Can you accept that I am enough & I am all that you need? Can you accept that you may be alone? That there may not be someone for you in this world? That your obedience and trust in me may not be rewarded in your lifetime? That you may not get what you think you need? Can you accept letting me have complete control? This is what dying to yourself really means & GREAT will be your reward! Can you trust me? Can you accept that you can't control & that you don't know what's best? In your heart, not your head, can you surrender all? Can you accept my will and can you accept my love? Can you accept my grace and see that my love is more than you will ever need? Can you accept day to day? Can you accept step by step? Can you accept the life I have waiting for you? This is what they know, those who truly know me, know that there is no other way. Can you accept this? Can you accept my love? Can you accept that I've forgiven you? Can you accept that it's ok to leave it all behind? Can you accept that it's time to leave it all? Can you accept that you are enough? Can you accept that I loved you first? Can you accept that it's free? Can you accept that you don't know what's best? Can you accept my offer to follow me? Do NOT be AFRAID! Can you accept that I will be with you always?

Please comment and let me know if you've done this exercise and what feedback you have. Thank you!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

"I'd like a panic attack with that please?" Said NOONE ever!!

 I have battled anxiety for years, especially panic attacks. For whatever reason, in my mind I've got things under control, but my body sends a completely different message! My chest will begin to feel tight, I feel a sudden urge to cry, and then I make matters worse by trying to analyze the situation. There have been seasons of my life where it makes perfect sense that I'd have anxiety (incase you are just tuning in, I've mentioned my divorces, 2 autistic boys, 2 teens, being a single mom, etc). However, there are other times when there appears to be no rhyme or reason to why I'm having a panic attack. Honestly, I'm not sure which situation is worse? Knowing it's just a season I'm in and it comes with the territory, or being clueless as to where I'm missing the connection. 
If you've ever had a panic attack (kind of like if you've ever had a migraine, which unfortunately I get also) you know what I'm talking about. And like migraines, unless you've had one it's hard to relate. To outsiders it can look as though you are making a big deal out of nothing. But to someone who knows your pain, they can genuinely sympathize, which is comforting. *note: this does not at all really help the panic attack or migraine to go away, but when you are not in the midst of one it helps to know you have support in others who understand.
What does seem to help (for me personally) is to be distracted, which usually requires the help of someone you can count on and trust. Incase it is not obvious, when you are in the middle of a panic attack, analyzing, crying, and freaking out (for lack of better words) it's not likely you can distract yourself. For me, my wonderful daughter is great at seeing the warning signs and she steps right in and gets me involved in, or talking about, something else. (She also gently reminds me to take my medicine!)
I also have some great friends that I can call, who do their best to help me over the phone. However, sometimes my daughter is at school and my friends have their own lives they are dealing with when I'm having "an episode." This has been where my faith has really helped me in recent months. The Bible says:

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7 NIV)

“Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap. (Luke 21:34 NIV)

I feel God has really opened my eyes in seeing just how little faith I truly have compared to what I thought I had! Why would I not cast my anxiety on him? Why would that not be my first response?! Just how much do I really trust the Lord? He's my father, my creator, my redeemer, and so much more... I know that HE makes things good and to no surprise, he can take away my anxiety! Like really give me peace! When I have those moments in his presence and all fear and anxiety is gone, I just smile and shake my head saying "I'm so sorry Father! Please forgive me!" I have to ask myself, why I continue to selfishly try to solve and control things on my own? His grace is sufficient! And just like with panic attacks, migraines, and most difficult circumstances... Unless you've experienced God's grace, love, and peace, you just wouldn't understand! 

Almighty Lord, I thank you for your grace, power, strength, and love! I thank you for making it available to each and every one of us! I thank you for your many blessings and your promise to never leave or forsake us! In everything I say and do, I pray that it brings glory to you!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Anyone else exhausted?!?

Percy was 3 years old when I first heard the word autism. His pediatrician said "I suspected he may have autism, but I thought maybe he'd grow out of it." Looking back I'm always thinking "Really?!? Why wouldn't you say something?!?" While we waited almost a year for an official evaluation and diagnosis I studied and researched as much as I could. It was during this time that I noticed signs in my then 18 month old, Henry. I was able to contact First Steps (an early intervention program) to have him evaluated and diagnosed, well before Percy ever saw a specialist.
Those days were so rough. I was working 3rd shift, finding out that my husband had been unfaithful and had a child on the way, I was going through my second divorce, trying to be the best mom I could to my four children, and then there was this autism thing I was trying to figure out. Percy would scream, throw things, pour out any liquid within his reach, run back and forth in the hallway (to the point that it got me an eviction notice), and he would not sleep!
Things are so much better now and I praise the Lord! It's only through Christ who strengthens me, who blesses me with patience, and the ability to never give up! Percy is 9 now and although he sleeps most nights, we still have an occasional night or three a month where he is up and down throughout the night. I still can't find any rhyme or reason to it, but I'm so thankful even in this circumstance and remind myself of this verse:

Do everything without grumbling (or complaining in some versions) or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky (Philippians 2:14-15 NIV)

Am I exhausted? You bet!! However, I smile as I write this post knowing that day by day, step by step, I have an almighty God who loves me and makes things good! It's not just that "things could be worse," it's that Christ is in me and he never fails. He is true and faithful in all he does! Times will be hard, we will grow weary, but God will never leave or forsake us!

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV)

I pray that everything that I say and do bring glory to his name!